Made-in-the-USA, and based on a rigorous research and development process, SnowBrella represents the most advanced passive avalanche defense system available in the United States. It utilizes the “snow umbrella” structural form, was designed by registered professional engineers, or “P.E.’s”, and its design is based on a prototype field tested over many winters in Wyoming. SnowBrella USA offers a product that is 100% American Made and is therefore available for use on federally funded DOT projects that must meet the Buy America Act specifications. InterAlpine Engineers works with SnowBrella to offer a customized passive avalanche mitigation design that is suitable for each customers’ unique site conditions.
SnowBrella SSS units are shipped in a convenient configuration that requires only three bolts to be inserted onsite to achieve the fully deployed configuration shown at right. This allows for efficient shipping and virtually eliminates the potential for erection errors in the field. Each umbrella unit is secured to the earth using a single ground anchor foundation at the uphill end of the central strut, and installation in its final position on the slope requires only a shackle-type connection to be made between the strut and the ground anchor. This results in rapid field installation with minimal construction effort.